Wednesday, May 26, 2010

4 steps to start your debt elimination program today

Are you tired of sending most, if not all, of your paycheck to the bank or credit card companies? If so, you are not alone. Many Americans send a significant portion of every paycheck to others. In fact, due to debt, many Americans are only two or three pay periods away from losing everything. And, banks and credit card companies like it that way. If they can keep you paying only the minimum payment, they can make thousands of dollars over the life of your outstanding balance. That money could be yours. Stop the madness. Start your debt elimination program now.

How do I get off the treadmill and start eliminating debt? In the next few posts, we'll discuss four steps to get you started.

Need more in-depth help? Click here to see more information about the "Debt-To-Wealth" debt elimination program.